"Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."
- G.K. Chesterton
Phil Sheridan: a professional actor and storyteller. He appeared on the TV shows Nash Bridges and Trauma, is the voice of “Grandpa” in the Sim City video game series, and plays Nonno (papa story man) in the Disney/Pixar film La Luna.
He also read stories aloud to children in schools, libraries, and parties. Phil specialized in fairy and folk tales that teach courage, compassion and kindness.
Read by Phil Sheridan
In 1990 astronomer Carl Sagan
photographed the Earth from a camera on
a spaceship 4,000,000,000 miles away.
Here’s what he got:
Phil Sheridan in Disney/Pixar film
Phil plays Nonno (grandpa) in, “La Luna”, nominated for an Academy Award in 2012 for Best Animated Short Film. It was theatrically released with Pixar/Disney’s feature film “Brave”.
“La Luna” is available from Amazon.com and Google Play.
Fried Brains ~ Alta Ifland
A story I read recently by a young lady who grew up in Communist Romania. What life must be like in a repressive regime.
Deceit by James Siegel ~ Warner/Random House
Here is the opening of “Deceit” as read by Phil. It is a nice short story unto itself—and you can pause it to see if you are able to solve the traveler’s puzzle.
A Story and a Song ~ a folktale from India
This is a 4–minute tale from East India that’s worth listening to if you, like me, sometimes suffer from timidity.
I feel a little bit like Wilbur the pig, from the book Charlotte’s Web. You’ll remember, Wilbur is a very happy little pig until he learns he is going to be cut up into bacon. His spirit plummets when he learns this, but recovers when a barnyard spider—Charlotte is her name—weaves the words “Some Pig!” into her web.
(click here to continue)
A commercial with wife, Lynda, for HP SmartFriend Services